Please complete the online form below to receive our RFMA allied member logo. This logo is for all Vendor allied members who are current and in good standing.
The RFMA Vendor Allied logo is to be used only on the following materials:
- Email Signature
- Business Letterhead
- Marketing Materials
- Business Card
- Website
Only camera ready art provided by RFMA can be used for reproduction. You must fully complete the form below agreeing to the conditions and limitations of this licensing agreement before any camera-ready art will be sent to you. The camera-ready art provided can be sized to fit you material needs, but the sizing must be kept in proportion.
By completing the form below, you are agreeing to all the conditions set forth in this licensing agreement. This agreement is for 2024 and will need to be renewed on January 1, 2025. Any infringement on the use of RFMA’s logo will terminate your membership effective immediately and all materials that bear the RFMA logo must be destroyed.
Once this online form is completed, reviewed and approved by RFMA, you will be sent several file versions of the RFMA allied member logo.